Sunday, September 12, 2010

Lotto Texas: Results for 11th of September 2010

Before proceeding with the results of the draw, I wish to dedicate 9 lines of unwritten space as a
tribute to all victims of the terrorist attacks that took place 9 years ago.

The results of the draw on Saturday, September 11, as taken from the official Lotto Texas site
are as follows:   

7 - 22 - 25 - 28 - 41 - 53  







6 of 6 $7000000 None
5 of 6 $3537 11
4 of 6 $53 1082
3 of 6 $3 22706
Total Winners:   23799

After doing some browsing using my favorite search engine, I've come to discover that there are millions
of sites posting lotto results in English and almost none in Spanish.
It just doesn't seem fair to me, so I've decided to do something about it.
Henceforth, this blogpost shall be published in Spanish!
After all, when it comes to increasing the chances for winning the lotto, the Silver Lotto System will work
just as well for the Latin population of the world.
Just as it does for those who start out as skeptics trying show that it's all a scam, only to find themselves
becoming "addicted" to this system for the winnings it provides.
Asi que no pierdas mas tiempo. Si quieres saber como aumentar tus chances para ganar en lotto con 80%
o mas, navegue ahora mismo a Sistema Silver Lotto y compruébelo personalmente!